You should purchase SmallPrint soon as it will not be available much longer for the reasons given*. SmallPrint's functionality is still as unique as it was when it was written in 1998. It only found a big audience much later and has had nearly 1000 downloads on simtel alone. The user interface has never been its strong point (it's very efficient once you are used to it) but it still works great after all these years. Extreme anti-hack and anti-piracy measures built into the software (it won't run at all if any of the files are changed- even the readme) brings more difficulty to updating it after all these years. Get it now because the only way of compressing, arranging and printing text and notes so small in the future is to use the upcoming web based service.
There is no planned next release so you should register only the current version costing just $20. See |Notices| for details.
Paypal is now the preferred payment option, although Regnet (as mentioned in the software docs) can still be used. We need to have your 'Version Code' (it
varies for each installation) in order to give you the registration code. With PayPal, simply add it in the comments field or email us at
Use as the email address or click the button link below:
AMAZING!! To celebrate the renewed availability, we will give you Professional registration for almost nothing if you recommend us to friends by clicking that link or otherwise. Just send them a
link to the site and explain to them what it does. If after your purchase, they email us at to tell us they tried it and were
referred by you, we will refund you $10. If two people you know do the same thing, we will refund you $15 to your PayPal account, so it will only cost you $5!
Your friends don't need to buy it, they just need to show some interest. If you recommend any more friends and at least one buys it, we will refund you in full
(everyone's a winner)!
Important Registration Information: If you change computers or change the operating system, you will need to request a new Registration Code for SmallPrint to
be registered. This is available for a small fee ($5) that may be waived at our discretion (you will usually not pay unless you request this often). The anti-
piracy measures are comprehensive to keep prices low and we are confident nobody has been able to crack the security efforts. The only way to use SmallPrint's
functionality is to register!
*The terms in the software documentation state a few options with free future upgrades but this information is now outdated. Given that server-side
implementation mentioned in the Notices section of this website will soon make the simultaneous availability of SmallPrint untenable, it is unlikely future standalone versions will
be released. SmallPrint has over 80% of the functionality of the initial launch so will not be available from then on. This prelaunch phase will help boost the publicity of as most interested non-buyers will prefer to wait for a more user-friendly solution despite the extra cost in the long run.